Maintaining Bone Density with Age

Did you know that bone density testing can help you stay on top of your risk of osteoporosis? Knowing how strong your bones are becomes more important as you age, as the risk for brittle bones increases. Luckily there are ways to check for this condition before breaking or fracturing a bone.


Bone Density Testing

Bone density tests are a simple and painless procedure that can help determine your risk of experiencing an injury, providing you with insight as to what steps you can take to prevent fracture and osteoporosis.


Bone density tests especially target:

  • Lower spine
  • Thighbone near the hip
  • Bones in the forearm


These areas are especially prone to injury from bone density loss with age.


During a bone density test, you will lay on a platform and a mechanical arm will pass over your body, exposing you to low levels of radiation that do not pose any significant health risk. Your bone density in one region of your body may not be the same as another, so you may be advised to undergo several tests to ensure whole-body wellness.


How to Preserve Bone Strength

Both men and women are at risk for reduced bone density during andropause or menopause. Taking steps to preserve bone strength can help you prevent injuries with age.


According to the Mayo Clinic, three things you can do to help your bones stay healthy include:

  • Getting enough calcium in your diet
  • Getting enough vitamin D in your diet (It helps with calcium absorption.)
  • Getting regular exercise


Any steps you can take to prevent osteoporosis now will help decrease your risk for developing it later. Anti-aging medicine and functional medicine therapies can often help to improve your overall health as well as encourage you to stay active, which can improve bone strength with age.


Since detecting this health condition early is crucial, be sure to talk with your doctor about when you should have a bone density test.

